Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Exterior Only Pest Control Plans

If you have ever wondered where that gigantic wolf spider in the middle of your living room came from...we can tell you. The truth is we create the perfect environment around our homes for spiders, earwigs, millipedes, sow bugs and slugs to dwell in.

By the way...wolf spiders do not howl at the moon and earwigs, those ugly little brown creatures with the pinchers extending from their body, do not crawl in peoples ears and eat their brain.

It is not possible to have the beautiful landscaping we have without creating a haven for all types of occasional invaders and that is where PermaTreat's "exterior only" plans come in.

Our technicians will treat mulch beds with a safe but effective combination of plant oils in a granular form, they will treat around pest access points like windows and doors with a similar formulation in liquid form and remove spider webs in shrubs and other locations around the home. Technicians will also turn over those splash blocks under gutter down spouts where odorous ants and pavement ants love to build colonies. At the same time we will be watching for wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets that might build nests around your home but taking care not to treat flowers so we do not destroy insects that pollinate the plants.


  1. Hey i really did not knew that such wolf spiders exist i suffer big time from archnophobia. All i knew about was termite and pest control. I just now took help of www.timesuptermite.com to get rid of termite in my living room. I am really shocked about hearing of of these spiders. where do they come from i just want that place bursted into flames.

  2. why is it that spiders become pests in our home? well in fact the one that I hate the most in our house is the cockroach. It irritates me when they flew onto me. eeeeeeeeew.

    Loy =)
    residential pest services austin tx

  3. Pest control require expertise. Termite control require specialized equipment and good pesticide. Expert exterminator can handle those devils effectively and efficiently.

    how to get rid of rodents
